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Haian Jin's Homepage

Haian Jin

CS Ph.D. student at Cornell University

βš“ About Me

HiπŸ‘‹! My name is Haian Jin (金桷岸), which means "Golden Coast" in Chinese. I am a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Cornell University working with Prof. Noah Snavely. My research interest lies in 3D Computer Vision and Graphics, specifically focusing on 3D reconstruction and generation.

Previously, I got my bachelor's degree in Computer Science with highest honors from Chu Kochen Honors College of Zhejiang University in June 2023, with an overall GPA of 3.98/4.0 (92.7/100), ranking top 1%. During my undergraduate, I was fortunate to work closely with Prof. Hao Su at the UCSD SuLab and Prof. Xiaowei Zhou at the ZJU3DV Lab.

πŸ“ Publications and Preprints

* denotes equal contribution.

OpenIllumination: A Multi-Illumination Dataset for Inverse Rendering Evaluation on Real Objects
Isabella Liu*, Linghao Chen*, Ziyang Fu, Liwen Wu, Haian Jin, Zhong Li, Chin Ming Ryan Wong, Yi Xu, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su
NeurIPS 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks
One-2-3-45: Any Single Image to 3D Mesh in 45 Seconds without Per-Shape Optimization
NeurIPS 2023
πŸ‘‰Brief summary:
TensoIR: Tensorial Inverse Rendering
CVPR 2023
πŸ‘‰Method highlights:

πŸ“– Teaching

Fundamentals of C Programming (Fall 2022)
Zhejiang University
Teaching assistant

πŸŽ– Honors and Awards